Glyphosate is a systemic herbicide from the glycine group that is absorbed through the foliage of the plant and can be transferred to different parts through the symplast and apoplast.

The best results for controlling narrow perennial grasses are obtained when these species are at least in the 4-5 leaf stage and their height is at least 10 cm.

The best time to use it in order to control perennial broadleaf weeds is near the flowering stage of these species.

Avoid contact of this herbicide on the foliage and trunk of young trees.

In heavy water, it has an antagonistic effect with the salts in the water and the consumption of this herbicide is increased. Mixing with ammonium sulfate reduces the consumption of this herbicide (10 kg of ammonium sulfate per hectare).




Amount of consumption & Usage :

Amount of consumption Kind of the pest Product
4to 12 liters depending on the type of weed (at the time of maximum weed activity) (flowering) weed fruit trees
1 to 2 % after the growth of grasses in the form of stain weed




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