VasterGreen 12-12-36 + TE fertilizer contains compounds that provide plants with macro nutrients including N-P-K (especially high potassium). High potash complete fertilizer is special for increasing the growth and quality of agricultural and garden plants. The use of Vaster Green fertilizer during fruiting or when the seeds are filled provides the conditions to obtain a product with the desired quality, uniformity and the right color. 12-12-36 + TE fertilizer contains micronutrients iron, zinc, copper, manganese, molybdenum and boron in addition to the main elements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. In order to increase the absorption and increase the tolerance of the plant against all kinds of environmental stress, amino acid has been included as an improver in the compound of this fertilizer. Due to the fact that there is no green chlorine in VasterGreen fertilizer compound, there is no possibility of chlorine toxicity and leaf burning, and it is also suitable for salty soils.

  • At the beginning of the growing season with the minimum amount of TE 12-12-36 fertilizer and at the end of the growing season with the maximum amount should be consumed.


  • If there are low amounts of potassium in the soil or if there are symptoms of potassium deficiency, it is recommended to use this fertilizer from the beginning of the growing season.


Compounds :


Macronutrients (%)    (ppm)Micronutrients
K2O P2O5 N Fe Zn Mg B Cu
  Chelated with EDTA
36 12 12 1000 1600 1000 100 1000


Usage instructions:


Terms of Consumption Amount of Consumption Product
Spraying Fertigation
twice during the growing season 2-3kg in per 1000 liters of water 3-6 kg per hectare Agricultural plants
3 times during the growing season 3 kg in per 1000 liters of water 4-7 kg per hectare Fruit trees
3 times during the growing season 2 kg in per 1000 liters of water 3-5 kg per hectare Leafy / Leaf vegetables
3 times during the growing season 3 kg in per 1000 liters of water 3-6 kg per hectare Fruit like vegetables
4 times during the growing season 2 kg in per 1000 liters of water 3-5 kg per hectare Ornamental plants


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