There is Vaster Green  Deltamethrin 2.5% EC in the market under the brand name Decis. This pesticide belongs to the group of pyrothyroid insecticides and has a touching and digestive effect. This compound in the form of an emulsion (2.5% EC) controls a wide range and various specis of sucking and chewing(biting) insects, deltamethrin in the soil is decomposed by the activity of microorganisms within 1 to 2 weeks and generally has a half-life (DT50 ) it is less than 23 days in agricultural soils. Deltamethrin with a wide spectrum of action to control harmful mites, grasshoppers, scale larvae, weevils, aphids, mites, grasshoppers, plant pest mites, thrips, weevils, honeydews, greenhouse whiteflies. And psyllids are used on wheat, cotton, vegetables, alfalfa and clover, soybeans, sugar beets, cold-season fruit trees and vegetables. The best time to spray is when the pest has just hatched and most of them are between the ages of one and three purees ( Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae). It is recommended to spray in such a way that all the green parts are covered with poison particles. The distance between the last spraying and the harvest is between 7-21 days, depending on the type of crops.


Amount of consumption & Usage :

Amount of consumption Kind of the pest Product
0.5 per mille leucoptera scitella zell (Lep: Lyontiidae) Cold-season fruit trees
1 liter  per mill Prodonia Beet ( Beet Root)
300 ML per hectare
Nymphal instars 


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