PETROLEUM oil is availbale in the market under the brand name of Volck L80 oil and it consists of 80% oil, 18% water and 2% emulsifier, and its sulfonation degree is 92%. This combination is used to control all kinds of mites, weevils, aphids, psyllids, whiteflies, green house whiteflies, moths, larvae of butterflies, and etc. on fruit and is applied on nut trees, grapes, citrus fruits,vegetables and plants. Greenhouse and ornamental plants. Vaster Green Volk oil also prevents the growth of some fungi by covering the plant with a thin hydrocarbon layer. This compound also controls the citrus greasy spot fungus, banana Sigatoka fungus and true grape powdery fungus well, but this control is not enough due to the short duration of Volk oil and lack of complete leaf coverage. This combination has advantages over pesticides that have made it well used in the integrated pest management program:
Quantity and amount of consumption:
Terms of usage: in the form of a 1.5% solution spray after the peak of winter cold and before the awakening of the trees.
Usage: for pre-spring, spring and summer fight against bedbugs and some ticks to accompany some of the poisons as foliar soap or Adjuvant.
Unit 7, 3rd Floor,No.14 Bldg, East-Nahid St., Africa(Jordan) Blvd.